Emoji 101: A Short Guide for Communicators

Learn how you can add value to your communications with our beginner's guide to emojis. 

Hannah Freedman

April 11, 2023

Since entering the mainstream in the 2010s, emojis have taken-off in popularity.

It has been reported that 92% of the world’s online population use emojis. Half of all comments on Instagram include an emoji, and over 900 million emojis are sent every day without text on Facebook Messenger.

While emojis may not be appropriate for every situation (perhaps best to avoid them when addressing an organizational issue or crisis), they can add value to your communications when used appropriately.

Feeling 😰? Below is our beginner’s guide to emojis!


👉 Who can use emojis?

First, think about your organization, corporation, or brand. Ask yourself, “What is our voice?”

Are you friendly, personable, humorous, and lighthearted? Emojis may be for you!

Serious, authoritative, mature, and intellectual? Emojis might not be the right move.

Some institutions just don’t have the ethos to use emojis – and that’s ok. But, given their popularity and mainstream appeal, it may be worth experimenting with these popular pictographs, even if you’re a more conservative communicator.

👉 What are the benefits of using emojis in my communications?

As communicators, we rely heavily on the written word. Think of all the emails, memos, and press releases you share. That being said, the written word has its limitations.

That’s where emojis come in! Emojis can often stand in for the types of non-verbal cues that come naturally when speaking about a topic but less so when writing, such as facial expressions, tone of voice, gestures, and even posture.

Are you playful? Funny? Empathetic? The perfectly placed emoji can help you express the optimal tone.

Tone can be especially challenging to capture when writing for a global audience. Emojis have proven to be especially valuable when communicating across languages and cultures. One survey found that 89% of global emoji users agree that emojis make it easier for them to communicate across language barriers.

So, next time you’re hoping to connect with people around the 🌍, consider including emojis to ensure your communications truly resonate! ✨

👉 Where can I incorporate emojis into my communication strategy?

At Notified, we frequently utilize emojis in our social posts, marketing emails and internal communications. Using an emoji is an easy way to punch-up an otherwise bland subject line or emphasize a key point.

Another unexpected place where you can incorporate emojis: your next virtual event!


🚨 🚨 🚨 Hey #eventprofs, take note✏️ Emojis are for more than just texting and social media!

Read my take in @Forbes 📰 to learn how emojis can help take your #virtualevent from 😴 to 🕺 https://t.co/FXG1vS3isD

— Ben Chodor (@s57benchodor)
June 18, 2022

The Notified webcast platform offers attendees the opportunity to actively participate in a broadcast by responding in real time with an emoji. Much like the chat feature, the emoji feature allows attendees to interact with the content they’re viewing.

While the chat function is great for asking questions and interacting with other attendees, the emoji feature enables attendees to react quicker, show a real reaction, and visualize how others are reacting, better simulating the energy found at an in-person event.

With emojis (be it a clap, heart, smile, thumbs-up or laugh emoji), we have found we’re able to simulate the non-verbal cues you pick-up on while sitting in the audience experiencing a physical presentation.

Emoji usage also provides invaluable data to event planners. It’s easy to understand what content is resonating with audiences when you see a smattering of 👍s or ❤️s in the broadcast.

Interested in learning more about how the Notified Event Cloud can help you deliver engaging events that make your audience go 👏👏👏?

Reach out today to schedule a demo for your next event - whether virtual, hybrid, or in-person.